Produk Panas
    Ultra-thin LED Square Ceiling Spot Light 4-Light Fixture for Ceiling Cove
    Ultra-thin LED Square Ceiling Spot Light 4-Light Fixture for Ceiling Cove
    Ultra-thin LED Square Ceiling Spot Light 4-Light Fixture for Ceiling Cove
    Ultra-thin LED Square Ceiling Spot Light 4-Light Fixture for Ceiling Cove
    Ultra-thin LED Square Ceiling Spot Light 4-Light Fixture for Ceiling Cove

Ultra-ipis LED Square Ceiling Spot Light 4-Lampu Lampu pikeun Ceiling Cove

36mm desain super ipis, ganda & opat huluna sadia. bubuk outdoor nyemprot permukaan bodas, euweuh parobahan yellowish dina waktu anu singget. Lumen tinggi, High CRI, instalasi gampang, sarta perawatan, loba aplikasi di wewengkon indoor.

Rincian produk

Ningkatkeun kaanggunan sareng fungsionalitas interior anjeun ku XRZLux Ultra-ipis LED Square Ceiling Spot Light. Perlengkapan cahaya anu endah ieu dirancang pikeun nyampur sareng cove siling anjeun, nawiskeun daya tarik éstétika sareng kinerja anu langkung luhur. Diwangun ku alumunium kualitas luhur sareng sayogi dina warna bodas atanapi hideung anu canggih, alat ieu nangtung pikeun desain anu modéren sareng ramping. Ngan ukur jangkungna 36mm, éta ngahijikeun sampurna kana sagala hiasan interior tanpa ngagedekeun rohangan. Naha anjeun milih modél Double Heads atanapi Four Heads, lampu ieu nyayogikeun kaluaran lumen anu luhur, mastikeun rohangan anjeun cahayana haneut sareng merata.

Parameter produk

Ngaran produkAurora
Tipe PasangSurface dipasang
Jenis produkhuluna ganda / Opat huluna
Wangun Lampupasagi
Jangkungna36 mm
Peunteun IPIP20
Maneuh / AdjustableDibereskeun
Tegangan LEDDC36V
Input Ayeuna300mA / 600mA

Parameter optik

Sumber CahayaLED COB
Lumén65lm/W 90lm/W
CRI97Ra / 90Ra
CCT3000K / 3500K / 4000K
Tunable Bodas2700K-6000K / 1800K-3000K
Sudut Beam60°
Umur hirup LED50000 jam

Parameter supir

Tegangan supirAC100-120V AV220-240V



Desain super ipis H36mm, permukaan dipasang dina siling, Pergaulan jeung siling

bubuk outdoor nyemprot permukaan bodas, teu ngarobah yellowish dina waktu anu singget


Lumen tinggi, gampang instalasi tur pamaliharaan, loba aplikasi di wewengkon indoor.


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XRZLux Ultra-ipis LED Square Ceiling Spot Light direkayasa ku motong-edge LED COB téhnologi, delivering hiji efisiensi luminous impressive nepi ka 90 lumens per watt. Éta gaduh Indéks Rendering Warna (CRI) anu saé dugi ka 97Ra, mastikeun yén warna-warna di lingkungan anjeun dipasihkeun sacara jelas sareng alami. Pilihan CCT rupa-rupa ti 3000K cozy ka 4000K garing, mere Anjeun kalenturan pikeun ngaropéa ambience Anjeun. Pikeun versatility tambahan, pilihan bodas tunable mimitian ti 2700K mun 6000K na 1800K mun 3000K sadia. Kalayan sudut sinar 60 ° sareng UGR<16, this fixture ensures a well-distributed, glare-free illumination perfect for any indoor setting. Designed for durability, this ceiling spot light boasts an impressive LED lifespan of up to 50,000 hours. Its surface-mounted installation makes it a convenient choice for various indoor applications, from residential spaces like living rooms and bedrooms to commercial areas such as offices and retail stores. The outdoor powder spraying finish ensures that the white surface remains pristine over time, resisting any yellowing. Additionally, the fixture supports multiple driver options, including ON/OFF DIM, TRAIC/PHASE-CUT DIM, 0/1-10V DIM, and DALI, giving you full control over your lighting levels and energy consumption. Elevate your lighting experience with XRZLux, a leader in premium lighting solutions for ceiling coves and beyond.

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